Become a Sponsor!
Our Annual event Evening of Hope has dinner and entertainment sponsor levels available.
If you are interested in participating please email for more information.
With your generous support we can make a difference in the lives of women in Wisconsin!
Dinner Sponsor
Include table signs
Full page ad in the evening program the night of the event
Premier logo ad placement with link to your website on the
SAS Foundation website for 1 year
24 VIP tickets to the Evening of Hope event
Special mention during the event. "Dinner sponsored by ___________"
1/2 Page ad in the evening program the night of the event
Premier logo ad placement with link to your website on the
SAS Foundation website for 1 year
16 VIP tickets to the Evening of Hope event
Special mention during the event. "Entertainment sponsored by ___________"
We also have levels of annual sponsorship available:
Angel Sponsor |
Sponsorship at this level will receive 8 VIP Tickets to the Evening of Hope event, ¼ Page ad placement in the program the night of the event
Logo ad placement with link to your website on SAS Foundation website for 1 year
Teal Sponsor |
Sponsorship at this level will receive 6 VIP Tickets to the Evening of Hope event, Business card size Ad placement in the program the night of the event
Listing on our website for 1 year
Silver Sponsor |
Sponsorship at this level will receive 4 VIP Tickets to the Evening of Hope event,
Bold listing placement in the program the night of the event
Bold listing on our website for 1 year
White Sponsor |
Sponsorship at this level will receive 2 VIP Tickets to the Evening of Hope event,
Placement in the program the night of the event
Regular listing on our website for 1 year